Tuesday, August 23, 2011



Fanexpo starts in...

2 DAYS! I'm super excited!!! Finally all my stuff is printed, set up nicely, and ready to go! Just a few last minutes things to get ready for Thursday. I can't wait! WHOOOooOOOOOOOOoooooo

Here's a new painting I'll be selling prints of at my table. If you want to see any of my other items for sale, here's my etsy shop:


YAY I can't wait to hang out with fellow artists/classmates and see and buy some awesome art! And maybe a few nerdy t-shirts... we'll have to see!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


an old sketch that I've always liked, but never done anything with (until now!). Not sure if it's really gonna turn into anything more, but I like it.

Alsooooo noticed most of my recent stuff is yellow and pink (and blue). Ummmmm I guess I like them a lot???? CREATIVITY WHOOOOO

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Forgot about this one! She may appear in the form of buttons, stickers or possibly bookmarks as I start making more stuff for Fanexpo!

dingle doodles

So clearly I REALLY didn't keep up with my illustration a week plan... surprise!!

As it's been a monthish since I've put anything up, here's a bunch of crap that has been in my sketchbooks. Unfortunately this is all I've really been working on aside from co-op stuff. Maybe I'll put up some business card ideas and stuff because I have A LOT. OF THOSE.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Summer Drawing TWO

Drawing a week: 2nd week completed! Only... a couple more to do??? Ahaha.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Stuff and stuff

Here's some stuff I've done in the past year and a bit, starting with most recent to older. Scary how much of my old work isn't worth reposting!!! Ahahaha oh well, onward!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Summer TImes

Once again I forgot what my blog was called and had to go searching for it ahahaha. However... I've got it back! To keep myself motivated and stuff this summer, I'm going to start an Illustration A Week project for myself!!!! WHOO hopefully I can make time for it in between Co-Op and other things. I WILL DO IT!

Here's the first one for this week. POOP!